Tuesday, 6 September 2016

21st Century Skills for a six year old

Tonight while working on my Mind Lab activities my six year old was listening to an interactive story on the iPad. I carried on and when I next looked over she was on You tube.
Image result for you tube
I asked her what was she searching and she said that she was looking for You Tube in Google Images. Last term my daughter had successfully searched for tree frogs and had shown me all the different types of tree frogs on Google Images.
Image result for tree frogs
When I glanced over I could see she was looking at the You Tube logo as she had used a Sia image from You Tube in her upcoming news project and she wanted to reference it.
Front of News item
Back of News item (Ideas by my daughter but written by her mum)

When I explained that the You Tube logo was a business like McDonalds and people don't change the logo she understood the concept.
Image result for mcdonalds
I love that my daughter can use technology (with appropriate guidance) to answer some of her questions. I remember as a child being confused and too shy to ask for help in explaining the concept in another way. I remember walking away dejected and feeling uncertain about what was explained to me. Hopefully I can teach my daughter to be a critical thinker and to not rely on one source of information to find answers to her questions. She has learnt pretty quickly that dad's sometimes, just sometimes might stretch the truth-a little...
Image result for graffiti quotes on walls

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