Friday, 18 March 2016

Education within my classroom

When I walk into any classroom I like to take a moment to get a sense about the learning that may be taking place at that given time. I am not worried about another teachers tidy desk(if they have one) but I do wonder how can they possibly find things when they need them in a rush.

I look around at the resources on the walls and I think would l like to be a student in this classroom? In my room which is about 1/3 the size of a typical classroom I have to think why is that resource taking up learning space. Is there room for children's work to be displayed? Are there relevant scaffolds to help with learning in place. Education within the classroom is not just the internal environment. I have a huge amount of varied technology and reference resources in my room.

For me an educator is not the person standing at the front spouting knowledge.  It is someone that guides the learning and supports the children of varying needs to succeed.

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